The Sunshine Award | My Sardinian Life

Things just got a little brighter here at My Sardinian Life. I’ve been awarded with the Sunshine Award from AllThingsBoys. Thank you for the nod in my direction, it’s truly appreciated.

The Sunshine Award Rules:

  1. Include the award’s logo in your post.
  2. Answer 10 questions.
  3. Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers.
  4. Link your nominees to this post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The Questions:

  1. Favourite Colour? Pink and Green.
  2. Favourite Animal? Cats.
  3. Favourite Number? 13.
  4. Favourite non-alcoholic drink? Grape Juice.
  5. Facebook or Twitter? They are both rather annoying … but Facebook.
  6. My Passion? Writing, running, and my family.
  7. Prefer getting or receiving gifts? Giving.
  8. Favourite pattern? Paisley.
  9. Favourite day of the week? Sunday.
  10. Favourite flower? Sunflower.

I won’t be passing The Sunshine Award on; as last week I was nominated for two other blogging awards and I have nominated pretty much all the blogs I now follow.

This pretty award I’m going to admire. Thank you again for the nomination.

16 thoughts on “The Sunshine Award | My Sardinian Life

  1. Congratulations! This is well deserved, a recognition of your bright, cheerful and very informative insights into Sardinia. Am loving it and hope to see you there sometime!

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