Fourth Times a Charm | The Versatile Blogger Award

When it rains it’s pours, and this week in Sardinia it’s raining cats and dogs (cliché I know, I don’t care)!

Where did spring go? I hope spring returns with a vengeance, I need hot heat!

I’ve been fortunate to receive The Versatile Blogger Award (for the fourth time) from AllThingsBoys Blog. A big shout out! And thank you!

The Rules:

  •  Thank the person who gave you the award.
  •  Include a link to their blog in your award post.
  •  Nominate 15 bloggers/blogs for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  Leave a link on their blog informing them of their new award.
  •  Tell 7 things about yourself.

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me:

  1. In 1997 I flew from Australia to the Philippines. I was to stay in the Philippines for three weeks. I left after one week. I was alone, scared, harassed, tall and utterly blonde. In hindsight I wished I’d had the courage to stay longer, but I was only 20 years old and crying phone calls home didn’t put my family at ease. I will one day venture there again.
  2. During my time living in Cayman Islands, I was in a horrible bicycle accident which sent me to hospital for two days. I couldn’t walk and my legs were destroyed. They released me, I went home and fainted, out cold for about 10 minutes. I woke to hear the ambulance sirens wailing in the distance, my roommates boyfriend had his arms around me, calling my name. Wake up!
  3. I donated blood for the first time in Sardinia, late last year. This was something I’ve always wanted to do, to help. I was weak, light-headed and sick for days after. However, my blood results came back perfect.
  4. I am deathly afraid of snakes. My blood boils and it’s impossible for me to move, I am rendered motionless with a heavily beating heart.
  5. I have three beautiful nieces which I love more than Italian pizza.
  6. In Byron Bay, Australia I jumped out of a plane! I wasn’t alone, it was tandem and it was the most exhilarating experience of my life.
  7. In Cairns, Australia the same year, I got all harnessed in for a bungee jump. I shuffled to the edge … and chickened out! The walk of shame down the stairs I will never forget.

Now I pass this prestigious blogging award to:

  1. The Blissful Adventurer
  2. Italian Wine Geek
  3. This Man’s Journey
  4. The Penny Farthing 
  5. 50 Year Project 
  6. Margaret Lynette Sharp
  7. Cardinal Guzman
  8. Algarve Blog
  9. The Limping Chicken
  10. The ThirdEyeWorld
  11. The Cinquecento Project
  12. A Lighter Shade of Grey
  13. Sheila Hurst | Reading, Writing, Dreaming
  14. This Little Light
  15. Canadian Travel Bugs
  16. The Great Escape

Okay, so I nominated sixteen fabulous to check out. If you’ve already been awarded The Versatile Blogger Award … congratulations! If this is your first time being awarded a blogging award … super congratulations!

Happy travels, happy blogging!

35 thoughts on “Fourth Times a Charm | The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Awards in March and April « the Thought Palette

  2. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award « Canadiantravelbugs's Blog

  3. Congratulations – you are certainly one Versatile Person! Thank you for passing the award on to me. I’ll try to live up to the expectations!

  4. Thanks Jennifer for the nomination! Or should I say Grazie! Busy week, so this weekend I will “pay it forward”… I am honoured again that you have picked me. 🙂
    Funny all the stories about snakes. Something many people share in common. So here is mine: My mom is deathly afraid of snakes. When we were kids she would see one in the grass or sunning itself on the rocks beside the creek (we lived beside 40 Mile Creek) and it would be a good distance away and she would make us go inside. Years later, as an adult, a kid came up to me to show me a snake he found in the playground and I froze! I couldn’t
    believe how afraid I was. Talking to my brother about it he is also afraid, but even more than I. Funny… I think we have learned this fear from our mom!
    I wish your sun returns… I know we have had the worst weather in Shanghai for 32+ YEARS this winter and for months it was rainy, cold, dark, dull, damp (or all of the above at once)… and we had a measely few hours of sunlight. We had about 2 weeks of nice weather and it is back to more of the rain and cloud again 😦

  5. Congratulations my friend. You are indeed an inspiration. Your blog never fails to make me smile , think and appreciate the joys of life. I wish you all the best. Thank you for sharing the award with me. I’m honored…

  6. Well done you !!
    one of the reasons we left Australia was the snakes. I was a Sydneyite and he a Dutchman so neither of us were used to them. Living in rural Queensland they were everywhere. We used to keep the grass really short in the orchard so we could see them – the locals all thought we were very odd…as they ran bare footed through long grass. Who was odd I ask you ?? The clincher came one day when I was doing the laundry. We had one of those old Queenslanders on stilts…The Son was 6 weeks old and I had him on the workbench as I sorted laundry. Our Jack Russell went ballistic and under the laundry sink was a 2 metre King Brown. After we got it out by pouring hot water under the sink I had to hold it there with a hoe while hubby chopped it up. Scariest thing I have ever done and a week later the farm was on the market. Never regretted doing it.

      • I shook for about a week after. Once when a was sitting on our lawn when The Daughter was a few months old…she was laying on a blanket just starting to push herself up on her arms…I looked over and one was crawling across a corner of it. I came close to leaving then. Funny story…a neighbour was driving his tractor on our orchard one day and it happened to be mating season for snakes (that is when they DO get aggressive) and one of them swam across our (small) dam to get to him. It bit the back tractor tyre and as he drove off it hung on…round and round it spun but it would NOT let go…I hate ’em too !!!!! But I was laughing at that sight.

  7. Tante grazie Jennifer! This is now my 4th time to receive this award and I am equally humbled that anyone blogging about such a diverse land as Sardegna would find my work to be versatile as well. I accept this whole-heartedly from a blogger I enjoy immensely and a subject to which I am fully addicted. Jennifer, you are such a cool person for this.
    Cheers and Thank YOU!

  8. Pingback: My Sardinian Life | 7×7 Blog Award « My Sardinian Life | La Mia Vita Sarda

  9. It is always nice to receive an award, congrats! In Bulgaria it is not raining, but it feels like the winter has come back. I hope it will pass soon!

  10. Congrats on the award! I’m waiting for spring to return in London…I could use some warm days to sit outside and read.

    I’m with you, snakes creep me out. In Colorado they would come into my house and I still have nightmares. Once one slithered over my foot while I was in front of the bathroom sink washing my face. I’m getting shivers just thinking about it.

    Thanks for nominating my blog. You are so kind!

    • Oh gross! I took a hike up the mountain one day here in Sardinia during the hot summer months. Usually when I go for these hikes I clap my hands and make a sing song in hope to scare the snakes away. As I was heading down hill, clapping gleefully, a snake slithered right in front of my foot, almost on top of my naked toes!! I was frozen in time! My legs could barely carry me back home!

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